Thursday, October 11, 2007

Learning Profile

1. The student connect text book was very helpful to me during my first semester here at Butler. Overall, the book had a lot of very useful information in it. One of the most useful things in the text were the evaluations and questions that you could use to help you decide if you were a more hands on person or if you were a more visual person. I found that I was a visual person as well as a hands on person. It made me understand that by being a hands on person that I would much rather interact with what I'm studying than just read about it. Reading about a topic can be rather boring and I don't feel that I would get the same fulfillment out of the material. There were many questions to answer and by totaling up the scores you would find out what study habits were yours. I think that this course and text book should definately be taken by every freshman that goes to college world-wide because it is very useful and helps alot with every aspect that a freshman might deal with. Student Connect class and the text book that was provided helped me learn alot about not only myself but how to get organized and focused on my future.

Because of the Student Connect class, I can now evaluate and analyze what I feel that my strengths are as a learner. Some activites that come very easily to me include things that I also enjoy w hich are reading, and writing, and also dealing hands on with the things that I am learning about. Class activities that come very easily to me again are reading about material as long as it is not only reading about it, pictures or diagrams that may further educate me about the material are very helpful and simplify things for me. I think I could make a student who is new to this class learn more about themselves by seeing how they reacted to learning a subject that is simply reading, and then compare it to how they would react if it were more hands on and interactive to see what kind of learner they are and what their interests are. By taking this class they will come to learn more about themselves and learn many other things such as how to organize their time in order to succeed in college and further their education. This course will benefit anyone who takes it no matter what level they are at in college, but having it my first semester of college has been so helpful to me.

3.An analysis of what you feel are your weaknesses as a learner. What capacities did you notice in other learners that you wish you had? What tasks seemed to give you the greatest difficulty or to take up the most of your time? Which of your skills and capacities do you think need most work if you are to get more out of a similar course in the future?
My weakness as a learner is definately how I manage my time. I always get distracted and I definately a procrastinator. I will of course always get my assignments done, it just is up in the air whether or not it will get done the night before it is due or a week before it is due. Mainly it all just depends on whether or not I have things going on outside of school work. I am very involved in athletics, such as volleyball here at Butler and sometimes I feel like I am struggling to keep up with not only that but with all of my school work on top of it. Other capacities in other learners that I wish I had was the ability to just sit down for two or three hours at a time to study material. I can never sit down for more than one hour at a time to try and get alot of studying down. I also wish that I had the ability to retain all of what I cram into my head at one time and keep it for the rest of my life, though I don't think I have met anyone with that talent quite yet. The thing that takes up most of my time is computer work that I have to do because I am easily distracted with all of the hype that goes on with the internet these days, my main addiction right now, sadly enough is facebook! So, definately the thing that needs the most work with me is my focus and attention, and also organization.

This class has taught me alot about myself and the kind of learner that I am. I think that the main problem is my focus because I get distracted and caught up in many other things a lot. What I know now that I did not know before I came to Student Connect is that I need to seriously set aside time that is quiet and that I can focus in, and make myself sit down and study. By doing that I will get things done as long as I keep telling myself that I need to really get things done in that period of time that I set aside in order to study. Before coming to this class my mosti mportant realization concerning the subject matter of the course was that the class was going to be a HUGE bore. I thought th at this course was going to be in a huge lecture hall and we were going to go through rules and guidelines of the college. I thought that because we were all freshman we all had to take it to get used to the college and know all of the rules. The most important skill that I learned was managing my time, I feel that I have done alot better at doing so. This skill is very significant to me because without it I would never ever get any studying done and thus probably not pass any classes because of lack of studying.

The one major assignment/subject that we learned about one day that was very meaningful and touching to me was when we watched the video about the girl from Nebraska that died of alcohol poisoning. The reason I found this subject so relevant to my life is because it relates very closely to one of my best friends. My best friend lost her mother to alcohol poisoning and I saw how badly it effects people. Not only are you losing a parent, but you're losing one of your best friends that would be there for you no matter what happens in life. I think that students in college forget how important that they are to this world and get caught up in alot of things that may force them in the wrong directions. Do not get me wrong, I understand that we college students like to have our fun, but it's the things that happen when we have a little too much fun that get us caught up. Topics that I found were not very relevant in this class was keeping a blog constantly, I wish we would have done more work in class rather than having to do all of this online because we also had alot of internet problems during this course.

I think this course definately worked out well for the most part. I feel that some of the content should be dropped such as keeping a blog, but still you should cover the material that we have discussed in the blogs. I think that there should be more in class assignments rather than alot of take home things that have to be done online. This makes it difficult for some students who may not have the luxury of having their own computers at home. I think that more content should be covered about college experiences such as videos about issues that are happening in college such as drinking, drugs, emotions and things like that. I think that some freshman are dealing with alot of change so quickly and they think that there is something wrong with them, I think that videos will help them learn to deal with change better. I also think that the rubrics that we had to fill out for the class should be eliminated because they also counted for a quarter of our overall grade and alot of the time students may have forgotten to pick them up and therefore may have been counted absent for that class period.

A summary of what I think other students who take this course in the future should know about how to survive and flourish in this course...
The theme that I will definately write about is "The words that you should hang on a sign above your desk about how you make it through this course." First off, I definately struggled making to class alot of the time. I will admit that I got a bit lazy, but I started coming and it was defiantely good for me, and my grade of course! The words that you should hang on a sign about your desk about how to make it through this course in my situation would be: WAKE UP, It's an easy class! And that's definately what it is, there's nothing hard about it, the only thing that may be hard to some is that it's too easy, if that makes any sense to anyone! The course actually goes by very fast, and you'll be relieved with your decision to show up and learn the material because it's not hard, and everyone is capable of doing it. So for procrastinators like me, though I'm not as much of one as I was before this course keep this in mind: It's not even a full semester class so just go to it and before you know it, it's over with and you're happy you went!

Because of this course I will do alot of things differently I think this year and probably keep the habit of doing them throughout life. One main thing, again, is managing my time better and not putting off things as much as I have in the past. Another is if I do put things off, make myself sit down and get it all done and make sure that I do just as good of a job as I would if I would have done it a month ago! Anoter thing that is cool about this course is that you do alot of interacting with the other students, that are new to the school and you get to know a lot about them, and meet new people and friends. I know that I made a few friends and got to know them better by being with them in class a couple days every week. The instructor as well gets to know alot about the class and the students in it individually and that is one of the really cool things about being on this campus is that you are getting alot more attention than you would at a university. The course is alot of fun and very very beneifical if you make yourself stick with it.

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