Thursday, August 30, 2007

Butler Resources

Case Study #4

"Failing Classes"

Struggling students at Butler Community College have many options available to them when it comes to failing their classes. There are many tutors that are willing to help students out that are having difficulty with their grades, and alot of resources that may also be helpful to students. Students that may struggle with test taking anxiety, or study habits can get help, if they look in the right places.

Brook, the freshman at Butler made the mistake of reading his assignments, the night before a test. This created problems for him because he wasn't organized or prepared for class just by reading it the night before it was due. Brook's mind wondered about what he was going to be doing over the weekend rather than what he should have been worrying about: his grades!

Another activity that Brook could have involved himself in is Student Activities which is mainly clubs and organizations. Instead of focusing on weekend plans he could have been getting interested in organizations that may help his study habits.

He lost control of his time management, he made it impossible for himself to find time to study, or to do assignments. If he was to get help even after all of the trouble that he's gotten into, he could still pull through and fix his grades. All he has to know is where to find the help.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Introduce Yourself!

My name is Kayleigh Hartloff, I am a freshman at Butler this year, and I am also on the volleyball team. I graduated from Valley Heights High School just this past may. Valley Heights is located in the smallllllll town of Blue Rapids, KS. The population of our entire high school was somewhere around 200 people, so everyone knew everyone.

Throughout high school I was very involved in various activities such as basketball, volleyball, track, forensics (drama), choir, band, dance team, student council, and KAYS. I was also very active in the classroom and was on honor roll all four years. I will admit, though that I hate homework, and hardly ever study! Some things come easy to me while others don't, and usually I have to figure that out the hard way.

I am learning how to cope with the whole college thing, and so far it's going really well for me. I'm looking forward to meeting alot of new people and experiencing alot of new things!