Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Community Service

In the United States, over 2 million reports of abuse or neglect are made in just a single year, and 1500 of those victims die from their injuries. On a daily basis the people that children rely on the most expose them to abuse or neglect: their parents.

One of the highest rates of child abuse mortality is in Kansas City areas. Where abuse was confirmed, 45% wer eneglected, 24% were victims of sexual abuse, and 25% were physically abused. A scary statistic that I found was that 25-50% of all children will experience some form of abuse during childhood. One of every three girls will be sexually abused before the age of 18, and one out of every five to seven boys will be sexually abused by 18 as well.

A way that child abuse can be addressed is by informing people about how serious this issue really is. The only people that are required to report child abuse are mandatory reporters, who are required by law to do so. A mandatory reporter includes people such as dentists, physicians, school employees, etc. By informing people, it may encourage them to report abuse after they recognize that that is what is going on around them. All citizens have a responsibily to prevent child abuse and protect children. So by informing individuals they can help children in a variety of ways, from being their friend to protecting them.

Another way that child abuse may be prevented or at least limited is simply listening to the child. If the child has told you or another person that they have experienced abuse then they need to know that they are not responsible for the abuse. Let them know that you will provide them help and take the story very seriously. At this time in the child's life is a time when they need alot of understanding and support.

The last idea that may be used to prevent and limit child abuse is by joining a prevention organization. By donating money and getting other people involved in this problem, will help millions of children around the world from being abused.